Welcome to blog Pugna in English!

Σάββατο 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

about us

Instead of manifest

''The idea of this magazine is based on you, its power is in your hands. This printed matter named Pugna it's not a product but a tool you can use to be released from the urban cleistophobic syndrom. Our activity aim to spread hip hop culture, to make real the creative activism and make us think reflections that we have never thought about. There are no limits for us and this is something which arises from our hearts.''

Expose and influences

Pugna team began in January 2008 the issue and the transportation of printed matter Pugna (street press) to advance and support "any kind of art and creative activism". Our influences are: all of you, music and the four elements of hip hop culture , street art and movements, groups and persons who make real the creative activism, theories which come true, all those who gave or lost their lives to reveal the truth..

and function

We have no president because it is our choice...We work with assemblies and gatherings, usually at irregular time. Generally and vaguely, there are some sectors like "Art & Design", "Public relations" e.t.c. and everyone can take part in his own way. All of us contribute to the functional needs. All members' opinions are important and everyone's opinion is seriously taken under consideration.


The printed matter is distributed by the members of Pugna Team in the towns they live, from the network of magazine's contributors and supporters. If there is a problem with these ways the distribution becomes via post. Also, 25 days after its publication, the printed matter is disposable to net for all those who didn't manage to receive it.